
Friday, February 27, 2009


Know your source.

Make certain you and your spouse know the source of your marriage. One of my favorite questions to be asked is, "How did you meet?" Because it reminds me of our source.

The Lord Jesus Christ came into our lives and turned us into what we are. For every challenge, struggle and obstacle in married life He has been our source of strength. I know I can make it through any day because I see how he works in my wife, and our marriage.

What is the source of your marriage? Why does it work? Does it work only when the income is large? Does it only work with the kids in the equation? Does it only work with alcohol? Seriously, what is the source of your marriage working?

If your marriage is working or not working this Sunday in the final message of Salvaged I am going to talk about the things that will help your marriage. It's time to get back to the source of what works. Let healing reign over marriages. Let couples come back together and remember the love and grace that is upon them. Let's be reminded of our source, Jesus Christ.

He can repair, recoup, save, rescue and salvage any marriage, no matter the state. To do it, you have to recognize that he is your source.