
Thursday, August 7, 2008


By Travis Warren

"All the believers devoted themselves… Enjoying the goodwill of the people." Acts 2:42, 47

The early church was full people who enjoyed the goodwill of others. When you read the book of Acts you don’t see a church that fought with one another, questioned each others motives, or were jealous of one another. Instead you see churches full of people that were number one fans of one another. They saw each others success as the blessing of God and cause for celebration and each others sorrow as an opportunity to help.

John 13:35 tells us that by our love for one another people will know we are disciple (devoted to God). You see when we are devoted to God we get to a place where we care about one another’s success and sorrows more than our own. When we live a live of devotion to God we will be devoted to one another.

Think about the person you love the most. When they have success how do you feel? Jealousy? No, you feel like you just personally had success. When they go through difficulty how do you feel? Indifferent? No you “feel their pain.” You mourn with them and help them through their situations. This ought to be the way we feel towards one another. A life devoted to God creates this in our lives.

There is nothing like having a whole army of people celebrating with you, praying with you, caring for you and comforting you. There’s no feeling like it. There’s nothing like doing these things for others either. This is God’s plan for the church. Not back biting, gossip, jealousy, bitterness and everything else out there. Love, being happy for others success, Comforting those who mourn, laugh with those who laugh, praying for those who need prayer, this is a byproduct of a life devoted to God.

Examine yourself today. When you hear about the success of others what’s your reaction? When you hear about someone’s difficulties what do you think and feel? If it’s not joy for others success and care for others difficulties go to God and ask Him to place a heart of devotion and love for others. The church must be a place where we are celebrated, comforted and uplifted, not just by the pastors, but by everyone. Devotion leads to enjoying the goodwill of other people.