
Tuesday, February 19, 2008


What is FRONT and CENTER at The Rock Church?

We are heading off to the Creative Church Conference in the morning. I will post several times while we are there. It is going to be an impressive week of impartation. I can’t wait.

With a week like this coming I must consistently prioritize, over and over, what the priorities of the Grand Vision of The Rock Church are as it relates to the TRC schedule and calendar.

Sunday Morning Service:
This is the most important aspect of our calendar. Here are a few stats on Sunday’s at The Rock Church:

  • We have more guests on Sunday morning than any other event in the year.
  • More people give their lives to Christ during Sunday morning than any other date on the church calendar.
  • Sunday morning is the largest consistent gathering per week.
  • Our Lifesaver’s Children’s Ministry alone would rank among the top five biggest churches in our city.
  • Our student ministries rarely have to compete with sports and school on Sunday.
  • Sunday service is the one-day per week where our volunteer teams must hit on all cylinders.

It is easy to get distracted, but each and every week from Lifesaver’s Children’s Ministry to the adult service the main focus is Sunday and there is a ton preparation for volunteers. A volunteer will occupy various positions from greeters to children’s workers, youth leaders to musicians, cooks to baristas, and ushers to set up crew. The reality is a huge amount of people are required to make Sunday morning a success at The Rock Church.

Reach Teams:
Discipleship happens with greater impact when close relationships are formed. It is critical for people being saved to be connected to a Reach Team (small group) in their area. A firm foundation in Christ requires more than just attending church, relationships are required. Reach Teams continually provide a place for prayer support, relational connection and bible teaching. Two Wednesday’s a month is a fairly small time commitment for a person to get connected. I’m so appreciative of those who open their homes and give of their lives to facilitate discipleship at The Rock.

Children and Youth:
The Rock Church loves young people! We will do whatever it takes to reach kids for Christ. When considering any direction for our church we must consider how it impacts the kids and youth. The Wednesday night Fuel and Jam services are emphasized at students and kids because we believe so strongly in those ages.

Events and Outreach:
The events and outreaches at The Rock Church have been critical to our culture and success of leading people to Jesus Christ. We consistently monitor a blend of outreach oriented events ( / missions) as well as internal events (banquets / conferences / ministry specific events) where our people can connect.

Everything Else:
We will not do everything else. Everything else will hinder our ability to do what we are called do. I’ve discovered in 20 years of ministry we cannot do everything well, so we do what we are called to do well.

These are the things I keep at the forefront of every planning meeting, direction change and conference. This week a lot of new ideas will come our way, but unless they go through the above filter, they won’t happen at The Rock Church.