
Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I've been talking with Pastor Travis a lot in recent weeks about our High School service on Saturday nights. There are so many great things happening in it. There is a passion stirring in young people and it is super exciting. I've attended the service recently and it is solid.

We've been struggling in one area though, attendance. A year ago March we ended the Wednesday night service for the whole church, moving towards Reach Teams on Wednesday. At the time Youth service was about 100 student's per week in attendance. When that night was no longer an option we moved the service to Saturday nights. Since then there have been some big and small services, but mostly what has been the norm is inconsistency.

I've talked with hundreds of parent's in my day and one thing I hear all the time, "I want my kids to have Christian values." Bottom line mom and dad, if your student does not worship with his/her peers they will not develop strong character.

So, I want to put this out for a poll. Scroll down on the side of my blog page and check the day and time you think is best.