
Friday, March 16, 2007

MITOSIS Luncheon

Good food, great discussion and good questions were asked by many.

Regional Reach Teams are the greatest commitment we have made to the future of TRC. There are 660,000 people in our county, and through a regional mind-set we are looking to impact every single on of them with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

One person asked about how Regional Reach Teams will be handled in the event they become ingrown and small groups of people who don't want to grow. The answer was straight forward, "Reach Teams that do not grow will be terminated." I would like to add that those involved will be placed in growing Reach Teams." Great question.

Another was about when we will meet and how we will maintain unity of heart and unity of vision with some many diverse leaders leading teams. The answer was straight forward again, "We will meet every Sunday at church." In addition, we will meet different times during the year to help all Reach Team Leaders grow in function and provide support for their lives as well.

In both answers to these questions were the two most critical ingredients to the success of Regional Reach Teams: 1) Leaders in unity with the vision and 2) Teams that choose to grow. Each of these elements are critical to the future of our church.

Thanks you Katie Jean and Bob for asking those great questions.