
Thursday, March 15, 2007

NIGHT #1: Mitosis

Ok, I will be brief,

We opened up the conference with a thirty minute comedy set from Leeland. People were rolling and letting the cares of the world fall aside. It was perfect. When Melinda started the worship set people were ready to go.

John Bevere preached the best local church message I have ever heard! Period, no bones about it this guy has a unique revelation on the eternal perspective. I read his book Driven by Eternity and it shook some of my practices, but to hear it live was inspiring and made me a better Christ follower; not to mention, 7 people walked forward and gave themselves to Christ--at a believer's meeting!

Here is the one quote that significantly shook my world right from the beginning. He said, "God loves seeker-sensitive methods, but not seeker sensitive messages." From there he skillfully elaborated a ton of scripture and information on living with an eternal perspective. Every church needs to hear this message; not all will like it, but the life change is absolute. The Rock Church will be a more defined and destiny oriented church because of Mitosis!