
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Faith and Works Together

Driven By Eternity, by John Bevere, is a very challenging book; consequently, it is rocking some people in our church. The revelation of living with eternity in mind makes me, at the very least, have a new way to think about things and, at the very most, question my motives. People are being saved, dead beat Christians are re-evaluating their experience and those who struggle with their salvation are solidifying their life in Jesus Christ once and for all. That's GOOD! Mature believer's need to recognize the power of this message and use it to help the body of Christ; living with an eternal perspective keeps our Hope alive!

Like everything, some read into the message. Driven by Eternity is not about a works based salvation, but it does emphasize works based thinking. Likewise, Christ also emphasized works based thinking, "give a cup of water, go into all the world, and give and it will be given" are simply a few examples. It is therefore not off base to ask a believer to consider their ways.

Any person who would "consider their ways," walk in reverence and submission to the Word, and receive the mercy and grace of the gospel is no way in contempt of losing their salvation. I think, in some cases, many people can read a book like Bevere's and slip into the bondage of "Am I doing enough?"

The emphasis is about what we do with the Cross that determines our salvation and where we will spend eternity. If we reject the cross, then we reject Jesus Christ; consequently, living a life separated from Him. Driven by Eternity affirms this very truth.

The works based thinking side of the book is something worth considering, but like anything else, let the revelation come from scripture; not from an author. I know John Bevere as one of the most integral, knowledgeable and capable communicators in the body of Christ. Messages that mean the most to me are messages I have wrestled with. I am also wrestling with this message and it is healthy, but in no way would I ever think I could lose my salvation because an author wrote a book?