
Sunday, April 1, 2007


I took a short hiatus from blogging last week while I sorted out some emotions. I knew, that if I blogged too much, I might write something that wouldn't be edifying. What do you mean Jeff? As Ron announced in church today there was a smaller church in our community that did a message series about several churches in Monroe and 2 services were dedicated to The Rock Church. It was not good.

Recently Pastor Dan had done an interview with a young pastor that was exploited and twisted to be used to significantly criticize the characteristics of TRC: theology and methodology. I have spoke with this pastor. In addition, I called my pastor, and two pastors in Monroe who will help me according to Matthew 18 which says, when your brother has sinned against you, you go to them, if it can't be solved then you bring another brother. If it can't be solved then, you walk separate ways, letting those in your fellowship know of this process.

Resolution may not come. Nevertheless, Luke tells me that I must forgive my brother 70X7, and I will for certain, but I will not permit a "man of God" to blatantly and intentionally attack our vision, mission, values and theology. What I mean by "not permit" is that I will confront that man according to scripture, if there is no resolution, I will inform our church and continue on as God has called TRC. Frankly, with 660,00 people to reach in our county, I don't have a lot of time to spend trying to confront the critics, but in this instance there is no choice.

Here were a couple scriptures that were edifying to me these last couple days. Jesus' words, Luke 6:26, "Woe to you when all men speak well of you." I certainly have found comfort in this scripture during this unmerited attack. Psalm 76, "The wrath of men will bring You praise" lets me know that Jesus Christ will get praise for this. That is what I want.

Thus, my blog-silence has been to protect me. I took some time to "flesh it out." Frankly I needed to get through the anger. I think this is how we execute, as the Bible says, "Be angry, and do not sin." This characterization of TRC was so intentional and fundamentally flawed in research, misquotes and conclusions I was very angry. Instead of reacting, I withdrew to a quiet place to be with the Lord, I called my co-laborers in Monroe, emailed my pastor and allowed people to pray for me. The fruit of those connections and the decision to protect myself was powerful.

Today I thought service was very special, full of amazing worship, and a special anointing to preach. It felt effortless to sing praises and offer prayers to the Lord. In addition, between services I was in the back when Nate Hettinga, Pastor of Cascade Community Church, was standing there. He had left his services to come and pray for me and let me know he loved me. That was the coolest thing any pastor has ever done for me. Finally, Pastor Wendell had this to say to me, "welcome to the big leagues" and described what happened to me as a "badge of honor." When you look at every major communicator in the Body of Christ they have some other Christian who judges and preaches against their church, methods and theology. I can't imagine what it would be like to be Bishop Jakes, Rick Warren or Joel Osteen. I guess there are those who think they are the "preacher/church police." It really is unbelievable, but very real.

Be praying, I will be in meetings and I will be correcting this pastor, in writing, regarding all of his gross inaccuracies. In the midst of that, I have to prepare for the biggest Sunday in TRC history, take a test for college, love my wife like Christ loved the church and begin training Regional Reach Team Leaders on Wednesday night! Thanks for the prayer. TRC is a great church with a solid theology and proven methods.