
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Week 14-7th and 9th

The weekend of the fair equals one big double header, a very cool trophy and high car count. It is the kind of race you want to do well in. We did really well last year, but this year would not give us the same fruit. This year we were challenged.

Rather than sum up practice, qualifying and racing I'd rather just say, "The car was off, big time." Not really sure why, which is aggravating and leads to sleep deprivation as the team goes through every possible scenario.

Could it be undiscovered crash damage from the week before? We did have to change the left side suspension. Could it be a broken component? The rear end was acting up in the first main, but we thought we fixed it for the second main. Was the driver just out to lunch all day and night? Is there a broken shock shim, or otherwise. Weeks like the double header when you finish 7th and 9th with a car that has been phenomenal lead us to long hours in the shop going over every component.

I need to stop writing now and go work on my stuff. See ya next weekend at Evergreen Speedway.