
Thursday, June 18, 2009


by Jeff Knight

When I was searching for my purpose I wanted to do something that mattered. The closer I got to His presence, the more comfortable I was being a Christ-follower, the more I wanted to do something that impacted the world for him. More than anything I realized I didn't need to be a pastor to impact, I could have been whatever my heart desired. Sometimes that's the problem, we think we must be in the ministry to do the ministry and impact the world for God. My recommendation, know God as best you can, and be OK with who he's made you; at that point, he will reveal your purpose.

"Purpose-driven" has become a term widely known in recent years, made popular by Pastor Rick Warren, but at the core there is not a better way to live. Since the beginning of time purpose has been on the mind of the greatest achievers. Those who discover their purpose are those who live the high life, they are the most satisfied achievers of the day.

So how does one discover their purpose? How do you know when you land on what you are called to do? What about purpose?

Jer 1:5, "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."

This scripture tells us a lot about Jeremiah, that he was a prophet, but maybe even more about God.

  1. God knew Jeremiah before he was born (God’s relationship with us).
  2. God set Jeremiah apart to do something (God’s approval upon us).
  3. God appointed Jeremiah a prophet to the nations (God’s purpose in us).

If he can do it for Jeremiah, He can do it for me, and you!

If you’ve been living long enough then you are doing something, maybe by choice, accident, or ignorance. You’re giving your life in a direction. Let’s not fret because of where we are, let’s look at how to get to the center of God’s purpose.

First, where is your relationship with God? I’ve not seen someone find their way to meaningful purpose without first acknowledging their relationship with the Lord. To have a relationship with the Lord where your purpose is defined will require you to look to the one who came to the earth for the express purpose of you finding you. When you find the relationship that's been available all along, you'll begin to unlock the mystery of your purpose.

Second, did you know God approves of you? Not because of what you do, but because of who you are. When Jesus showed up at the river to be baptized God said, “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” It wasn’t about what Jesus had done, or was about to do, God was pleased with him because he was his son. Until your heart is in the right spot concerning the father you’ll struggle with “being” in relationship with him.

Rom 8:29, "God knew them before he made the world, and he decided that they would be like his Son..." NCV

Consider taking the step, get into relationship with the Father who’s known you before you were born, then be at ease, set apart, to do something with him; finally, you’ll find and harness what you’ve been looking for, purpose.

God has called you to a great purpose, I can’t tell you what it is, but I can tell you this, “It will line up with your relationship with God and his blessing upon your life.” It will draw you nearer to him and unleash his approval on you.

See, often we want the destination, to know our purpose. But the sum of the parts is what brings us the whole. If I knew everything God called me to do, I’d probably turn him down on his offer. Instead, I pursue a relationship with him, then I learn to "be" set apart and approved by him, at that point purpose reveals.