
Thursday, February 19, 2009


Some random thoughts, By Jeff Knight

5. I hate poverty. There is no circumstance in the Word of God where poverty is a blessing. I hate it when people question the blessing of God, thinking He wants them broke. No, I really do. I hate it that money and income class gets in the way of true understanding of what it means to be prosperous according to the Bible. Like when people with less criticize people with more and call them inappropriate names, or when people with more look down on people with less and assume that they must be a dead beat.

Here's the deal. It's pretty clear that the Bible, Jesus and every epistle targets those who are in need, the poor. At one time or another we are all there, maybe not physically, but definitely in spirit. Then there are numerous discussions and directives in scripture given to rich people, they should give and not let their riches separate them from God. Jesus became poor so the poor might become rich, but that doesn't mean everyone is going to be a millionaire, but everyone can prosper. If your burn rate is 59 skittles and God blesses you with 84 skittles, that is prospering my friend.

Bottom line, God takes pleasure in providing for His saints. It aint about the size of your wallet, or the car you drive, or the zip code, neighborhood, or how many SF's you have for your family. It's about God's blessing!

We are all blessed. Blessed to be alive, blessed to give, blessed to have a church to go worship our God in, blessed with people who love us, blessed with air in our lungs.

6. I hate injustice. Like when I know something is downright wrong and people let it slip by. There is no reason people should be abused, mistreated or neglected. There is no reason for shortcutting, compromising integrity, under handedness or secret living.

What injustices do you see in the world? I want them changed. Like the man who worked his whole life to save for retirement and some joker on Wall Street stole his money in a ponzi scheme. That is not right. Or when we elect an official on the grounds of integrity and trust, and that person ends up hiring an escort to service him in a posh hotel. Seriously, these things are wrong.

You know what will rectify injustice? Justification in Jesus Christ. We can't justify our sin, only Jesus can. We can't justify our actions, our words or our lives, but we can adopt the highest standards of holiness and live a life separated for Jesus. I know that if I want to rid the world of injustice it first starts with me. How am I justly leading my life? How am I using my freedom? Am I helping others who are under the influence of injustice? Am I hiding something that could embarrass and humiliate those who trust most in me? Like my wife, my daughter, my family, my friends, my church, my co-workers.

You want the litmus test of your secret life, love life, sex thoughts, biz ethics, and work practices? I thought you would, so here it is. What if your life--thoughts, words, and actions--were on the evening news? How would that go down? Just, or unjust?

There's a big difference between foolishness and injustice, so don't get all condemned at this moment, but if you got some injustice to deal with in your own life, so be it. Let's get it started with a change of heart, a confession of wrongdoing, the forgiving of yourself, the coming clean with those who need to know and the full manifestation of the injustices being obliterated from your world. After that, you can help someone else and they can help another.