
Sunday, January 18, 2009


In this blogseries I am reflecting on why I race cars. I do this at the beginning of each season to break down the complexity of the answer to the most essential components. This is part 3.

"Like Jesus, racing takes me where He most likely would have went."
Paul told Timothy, "Do the work of an evangelist." I guess I took that literally when I started racing. I don't know a lot of pastors who do anything worldly with intention to be spiritual. How many pastors are around people who are not like them? Yet, this is exactly where Jesus went all the time!

When was the last time a pastor was considered a peer of someone who didn't go to church? It happens to me all the time. The track can be a foul-mouthed place, I'm not there to judge the language, I'm there to build a relationship. It can be a raging party, but I'm not there to party, I do that on Sunday at The Rock.

How can I, call myself a Christian, and not have the cell phone numbers of some hell raising people in my phone? I just can't see getting the same impact always being at conferences, or surfing my peeps blogs or facebooks, just doing church stuff. I've got to know people who don't know me for them to know a person they don't know.

Here's the secret to being in a world, but not of it. I have to be like Christ; know who I am, know what I am about, know what I believe, have the peers around me to check in every week. I've heard countless stories about Christians going into adverse environments and then succumbing to those environments, happens all the time. Don't kid yourself, I keep it in check pretty tight.

Christian (that's you if you follow Jesus), people are not steaming into our churches in droves to find Christ. They are found one by one and usually in pretty tough places. Build yourself the system of checks and balances necessary to stay you, then go where Jesus would go and chances are you will find Him there already, just waiting on you to show up.

Check in Tomorrow for part 4.