It's just after 8pm pst, NBC just announced, Obama wins the presidential election. Images of people celebrating; dancing, chanting, singing. Those images are powerful to me, impacting. As I watched I felt like God will use Obama to help heal the racial divide that exists in this nation. I can hope so; I will hope. This would be the will of God; perhaps this is greater than the issues that separate, to know the power of people.
I feel privileged to be a part of such a historical occasion. We will tell our children's children where we were when Obama was elected. We will remember. History will remember. It is powerful to me.
The expectations are super high for Barak Obama. We need to pray for him daily, now. It should not matter who we voted for, as Christ followers, we are mandated to pray for our leaders. Don't forget to pray for current leaders who are in office through the end of the year.
Daniel 4, Most high is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and He gives them to whomever He wishes. God appoints leaders, every time. He uses our influence to do so, we vote. America has voted.
McCain just finished his speech. He is a class act for certain. His words should move all of us...wow.
As Christ followers politics should never cause us to break fellowship, never forget the church is made up of democrats and republicans. As much as we'd like to separate ourselves and not claim a party there is celebration and disappointment throughout the body of Christ tonight. Let's now focus on fellowship together for the greater cause of Jesus Christ, for the greater good of America.