
Saturday, August 23, 2008


In the wake of tele-revivalist Todd Bentley, who lost his way; the songwriter, Michael Guglielmucci, who, in fact, does not have cancer; and the 2006 Ted Haggard news it is clear that something is happening in the world-wide movement of Christianity, God is cleaning house, His house.

Bottom line, churches will still thrive when leaders fall. In the midst of one, two or three leaders grabbing headlines because they fell, the body of Christ will continue to expand and overcome. God is faithful to the masses who are fully devoted to Him. Just because a fraudulent man writes a song about healing, doesn’t mean God no longer heals. The church will flourish in this season.

When Christian Leaders fall, new leaders emerge! They emerge with a reckless abandon to never let what happened to others happen to them. I’m glad some of the young men and women around me are considering these issues, it will strengthen their resolve and character.

Paul said it this way about his life prior to Christ, “But God had mercy on me so that Christ Jesus could use me as a prime example of his great patience with even the worst sinners. Then others will realize that they, too, can believe in him and receive eternal life.” The reality is leaders who fall are not finished! God will use them to heal others, to hopefully share their mistakes and make the body of Christ stronger, healthier.

I for one hate to see a friend fall in their faith, let alone, someone who has impacted the world with their gift. It crushes me, but I also know, God reveals such things. I remember a time in my life at college when God spoke to me. He said, “I’ve given you all this opportunity, what have you done for me? I will not bail you out again.” My response was one of intensity. I said, “Whatever you want God, I give it to you, I need your help, do not remove from my life.’

All of us encounter temptation, issues, and difficulties that could trip us and make us fall, but what do we do when God wants to clean our house? There is no other option, but to turn from our ways and follow His. I don’t know about you, but I always want to be sensitive enough to hear the course corrections He throws my way, lest my heart grow hard and I also fall.”