
Monday, July 28, 2008


By Travis Warren

"All the believers devoted themselves...generosity." Acts 2:42, 46

There are times when our finances feel like a boat in the middle of a hurricane. Whether it is the state of the economy, the loss of a job, unforeseen expenses or what have you it can feel like you are being tossed around. This can leave you wondering whether or not you will survive the storm. There is a passage of scripture that speaks to this situation.

Isaiah 32:8 says in the New Living Translation, “But generous people plan to do what is generous, and they stand firm in their generosity.” This scripture tells us that if we plan to be generous then when our finances hit a storm and we don’t know if we will survive it is our generosity that we have already planned and carried out that we can anchor to; knowing will not just survive, but thrive!

Not only does generosity give us an anchor in the financial storm it also opens the door for great blessing to come our way. 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 promises that if we give generously we will reap or receive back generously. Generosity provides and anchor and a blessing!

There are three ways to plan and carry out generosity. They are:

  1. Giving finances through the tithe (10% of all your income) and offerings.

The tithe is God’s way of helping you plan to be generous and testing your faith. He makes it easy for us to be generous. God leaves not ambiguity or question about it. 10% of all your increase, 10% of your pay check, random cash that comes your way, blessings, etc… go to Him. He provides a way for the anchor and blessing of generosity to be established in our lives.

Abraham tithed in Genesis 14:20. Malachi 3 promises both an anchor and blessing when we tithe and Jesus told the Pharisees that they should keep tithing but also include a life of justice and love of God in Luke 11:42.

Our offerings are anything over and above our tithe that is we give to God. Things like giving to purchase our building, missions, ministry projects, school supplies and food. These are all offerings to God and are characteristics of generosity.

  1. Giving your time to others. People of no faith, damaged faith and great faith.

Your time is another way to plan and carry out generosity. It is equally as important as your finances and does not replace the giving of finances. Volunteering in your church as often as you can and helping with special projects are great ways to give your time to others. Also spending time with others, visiting the sick and having people over for dinner are great ways to give your time to others. Giving your time is a characteristic of a generous person.

  1. Giving your best gifts to the church.

Your talents or gifts are also another way to plan generosity. This to is equally as important as giving your finances and time and cannot be a substitution for either. God has gifted you with unique talents so that He can use those not only to create wealth in your life, but also to build the local church. Bringing your best gifts to the church is a way to plan generosity. In Genesis 4 Abel brought the best gifts he had to God and as a result God honored Abel and blessed him. Bringing your best gifts to the table and saying, “use my gifts” is a characteristic of a generous person.

Generosity will be the anchor that takes you through any financial storm and causes the windows of heaven to open and pour blessing in your life (Malachi 3:10). Plan to be generous and carry out those plans. Are you being generous? Are you tithing and giving offerings? Are you giving your time to others? Are you giving your best gifts to the church? Think about these questions and answer them honestly. See if you need to change something so you can plan to be generous. Generous people are blessed people!