
Wednesday, July 23, 2008


By Travis Warren

"All the believers devoted themselves....with great joy." Acts 2:42, 46

A life devoted to God is a life filled with great joy. Scripture tells us that joy is a fruit of the Spirit or a by product of being in God’s presence (Galatians 5:22). It also tells us that the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). What does this mean?

This means that when we are devoted to God and we are full of joy, no matter what we go through, or circumstances and situations come our way we can still have a sense of joy knowing that God is in control. This means SMILE! Joy is not about circumstances; it’s about who is inside of you, working in you, through you and around you!

Many people confuse joy with happiness. They think they always have to be happy and that a life devoted to God is a happy life. While most of our life in Christ is happy, happiness is dependant upon circumstances and we will go through things that don’t make us happy. Happiness is temporary, joy is everlasting, and we need joy.

Another aspect of joy is that it gives you the ability to speak faith-filled words over any situation. No matter what happens you know God is in control, so you speak faith-filled words over your circumstances believing and resting in the fact that God will come through for you.

Great joy also creates an expectation that good things will happen to you. One of the greatest killers of joy is negativity. Being around negative people is never fun. They ruin every moment no matter how great it could have been. Joy gives you an attitude that even in the midst of tragedy you expect good to come to you. Spend time around people who have joy in their life. Their joy will affect you just like a negative person would.

Joy is so important to have as you go through life. It gives you the strength to go through anything and still remain hopeful and faith-filled. If you lack joy in your life get into God’s presence and let him fill you with joy. Get prayer and let other people’s joy rub off on you. A life devoted to God will give you great joy!

Knightrous Thoughts: It's weeks like these where joy is the most important component of life!