
Friday, June 27, 2008


Galatians 6:4-8, "Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else. For we are each responsible for our own conduct. Those who are taught the word of God should provide for their teachers, sharing all good things with them. Don't be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant."

Let's break this down...Attitude must be governed by principles, not circumstances.

1. Pay careful attention to your own work. I can get caught up in comparing my work to others, but all that does is steal and waste my time. Think about often we compare. We compare height, weight, BMI, clothes, incomes, cars, zip codes, jobs and a bunch of other stuff that only brings us frustration when we don't measure up; and worse, arrogance when we do. If you work hard and are satisfied with your job well done the money, promotion, accolades and all the rest will come. Success is a by product of a job well done!

2. For we are each responsible for our own conduct. I am the keeper of my own thoughts, words and deeds. No one else is responsible for Jeff. There are times we all want to pass the blame, the buck and the consequence. In the end, it's on us. I choose to think the best. I allow myself to struggle when criticizing something. I allow myself to be uncomfortable with gossip, anger, frustration, doubt, unbelief, fear and other hindrances. If I get comfortable with hindrances like those, I won't see them hanging like a booger on the rim of my nose.

3. Those who are taught the Word should share in all good things with those who teach. Hmmm...When was the last time I shared in my blessings, gifting and graces with my pastor who teaches me? This is not rhetorical because I am a pastor; it is a serious question because I have a pastor. I must share with the man and woman of God in my life.

4. Don't be mislead--you can't mock the justice of God. I challenge you to exercise repentance as often as required! I'm not perfect, nor is another, so repentance is all we've got.

5. You will harvest what you plant. Enough said there. If someone struggles with that statement they need to share their toys again.

Finally, I find myself lead around by circumstances now and then. Sometimes they get the best of me, sometimes they don't. The reality is my attitude governs my direction. I get out of this life what I put in. I can be satisfied because I've done all I can, or I can choose dissatisfaction because a)it didn't go my way or b) I didn't do enough. Those who believe there is always more to do are a little obessive, but I'm not hatin on ya, because there are times I am striving so much there's never enough time to do it all. Bottom line is, great attitude is sustained by principles, not circumstances.