
Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I know it's Tuesday and the weekend seems so far in the past, but there were some highlights this weekend that I don't want to forget.

I don't want to forget the fact that it was the coldest stinkin' last weekend of March we have had around here. What's up with the snow and hail and cold and snow and snain and snow. Are you kidding me or what? Today its sunny, finally.

Week 2- I Heart
The I Heart series and week 2 were unforgettably challenging and rewarding for me. For reasons I can't disclose on the blog right now I will never forget Sunday. It was one of the top two greatest days of my life. And no, it had nothing to do with the is just that, God blesses you when it best suits His plans. More on that later.

Our Amazing Kids
Weren't the kids phenomenal the last two weeks. Cheyenne singing and all the painters last weekend. It hit me during worship, "childrens ministry is today what youth ministry was when I grew up." If our kids don't have a relationship with Christ by the age of 15 there is a very strong chance that even if they do find Christ it will be after a whole bunch of negative influences.

Missing from Church
I was thinking about someone I hadn't seen in church for about a month. Instead of analyzing "why" I picked up the phone and called them. We talked and they shared how thankful they were for the call. It reminded me of the simple things we can do to help others. Maybe you've missed seeing someone at church. Give them a call this week and check in.

This week.
Well enjoy life, see ya Sunday, and make plans to join me at Taco Del Mar by Wells Fargo in Monroe on Sunday at 2pm for a kick off race party. It will be fun.
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