
Thursday, January 10, 2008


By Jeff Knight on 2008

Do something emotional?

Get over it.
There is a lot of wasted days, months and years in all of our lives where we have held on to offense, hurt, pain and rejection for too long. This is the year to get over it, to move on with life and expect better times ahead.

Mend a broken fence.
Face it. You’ve totally made a wreck of something, it's not repaired. I know I have. When I know in my heart I have judged, criticized unfairly, hurt, offended, acted hastily, or anything else causing discord in those I love the most and my own heart I have to mend the fence. Reconciliation is the greatest of gifts to give someone else. I know I need it.

Forgive yourself.
Stop living in the past. There is nothing that can be done about yesterday. The choices, actions and deeds of a yesterday will only continue if you allow them. Forgive yourself already. It’s over and done with.

There is nothing like laughing your head off at something worthwhile. Choose to laugh more this year.

I’m talking about the adrenaline roll-a-coaster kind of scream where you’re having amazing fun and scared at the same moment!

Your God, spouse, kids, church, family, work, ministry, vacation, the weather, hope, to help others, give, wonder, amazement. JUST LOVE IT!

Be angry.
At something worthwhile. Get angry about people going to hell because they do not know Christ. Be angry about things like kids on drugs and do something about it! Stop being angry at stupid stuff like traffic, bills, or the HOA. Use your anger to change the world.

Jeff Personally.
This is a big one for me this year. Last year there were 4 situations where I was hurt by people. Mostly I was unfairly judged and criticized, even in public forums, but in the end it made me a lot stronger in the short run. In the long run I’ve learned I can have a tendency to remember the pain and remind myself of what “they” did. I just can’t live like that. I’m not wired for resentment. The only way I know to live is to forgive those who’ve wronged, offended and hurt me. On the other hand, I need to mend some fences I broke down still. I’m waiting for the right timing. Timing is everything in reconciliation and when the time is right I’ll be received.

I’m guaranteed to laugh, scream, love and be angry if I live for God! Go ahead, live for God this year and see; emotionally you’ll never be better.