
Monday, January 7, 2008


By Jeff Knight on 2008

Do something financial?

Require Less.
If your monthly needs are 3k, then do something to make them $250 less. Pay off something; focus living 30 days on as little as possible, even when you have more than enough. It’ll free you up to do more of what you “want” to do instead of what you “have” to do.

Part with Something Expensive.
Did you know you can hold onto something longer than necessary? It could be a house, property, car, hobby or anything frankly. I’ve done it before and there is nothing like the feeling of being released.

Treat yourself to special.
In our family we carve out special times and build special accounts around them to finance them. As an example, I have a special racing account that I put a little in all the time so I can enjoy it through the summer.

No better yet, tithe (10%). It’s time to set some giving goals for our money, 10% should be the absolute minimum. God has built his Kingdom with widow’s mites and rich men’s millions. It does not matter the size of your income, giving is a spiritual matter.

Jesus tells us, "It is better to give than to receive." Jesus also told us, "You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it." So here's the deal in my opinion, good givers are also good receivers. They receive ALL that God has for them because they realize they can give again. Decide you will pray high octane prayers prayers. Pray this, Psalms 115:14-15, "May the Lord richly bless both you and your children. 15 May you be blessed by the Lord,
who made heaven and earth."

I like was Ecc 9:10 says, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might." Work this year as if you are working for Jesus: harder, smarter and with more purpose.

Jeff Personally.
Last year Melinda and I sold our dream home. It was a major decision--I cried the last time I looked at the water--and probably the best financial decision we’ve ever made. We came to a place in our lives where we “just didn’t need that much anymore.” I’m looking for a similar financial breakthrough in 2008. I’m setting a course to keep all credit cards paid down. Did you know having your ending balances below 40% of available credit improves your credit scores substantially, qualifying you for better interest rates on things like homes and cars? I didn’t know that until last year, so my goal is to live with my credit cards paid down or off every month.

Also, I’m giving everything extra that I can to see our church reach its goal of purchasing the building in May of 2008. All my giving this year will focus on The Rock Church. More than any other year I have to be intentional with giving to TRC because the vision is so gigantic.