
Tuesday, January 15, 2008


By Jeff Knight on Romans

Romans 3:3-4
, God's faithfulness has nothing to do with my faithfulness; he is true in all circumstances.

Romans 3:8, A lot of people believe they can throw their opinions around without consequence. This scripture tells me there are consequences for my opinions; consequently, I choose to be slow in giving them until I see the whole picture. There is a big difference between a trend which happens often and a one time incident. I'd rather give someone the benefit of the doubt.

Romans 3:9; Romans 3:23, You and I sin. I hate sin, I hate what is does in my life and the lives of those I love. The reality is we live in a fallen world and Christ was sent to redeem us. We must navigate the sin in our lives to get to a place of righteousness with God through Jesus. God made a way for our sin and we access His way by faith.

Romans 3:24-26, When I was 8 years old I asked Jesus into my heart and was made right with God; when I was 19 He tangibly saved my life. This unmerited grace is the reason I dedicated my life to serving His church. There are times when the opinions of men and criticisms of Christians become discouraging, but like David, I think of what the Lord has done for me and I rise up. People who hold onto things and cannot forgive are people who've forgotten what they've been forgiven of. Christians who judge and evaluate too quickly are people who've forgotten they were exonerated from the just judgment of God. What I'm saying is, "All of us who've been brought into right standing with God, through Jesus Christ, should demonstrate the same unmerited grace to each other, the world, and even the unlovely that has been extended to us."

Romans 3:29-31, "...He makes people right with Him only by Faith." We cannot boast about anything making us right (good deeds, being a nice person, giving.) If we boast we boast only in Jesus Christ and that He gave His life that we might have one with God.

Romans 4:1; Romans 4:11-12, Abraham was the human father of the Jewish Nation; Abraham is the spiritual father of all those who believe. Understanding this specific doctrine is paramount for living the life Jesus spoke of.

Romans 4:13, The beginning of the promises to Abraham; are they also promises to us? Absolutely, emphasize, "And to His descendants..." He is our spiritual father; therefore, we are His descendants and his heirs.

Romans 4:16, God's promise to me is received by faith. There are four Promises made to us 1) The promise of Jesus Christ 2) The promise of the church 3) The promise of temporal and permanent blessing 4) Promise to exercise several graces and duties that compose Christian Character.

Romans 4:18-25, When there was no reason to hope Abraham kept hoping; his faith did not weaken, he never wavered in believing God's promise; in fact, His faith grew stronger. He was fully convinced...and because of his Faith God counted him as righteous! Not just for Abraham's benefit, but also to assure us for our benefit!

Final Thought.
Chapter 3 reveals some cold harsh realities about ourselves and our sin, but highlights God's redemptive plan of Jesus Christ to redeem us and pay the our enormous debt. We receive that plan by faith, and only by faith. We can't work it out, or figure it out; instead, we have to believe in Jesus Christ by faith. Chapter 4 then follows up on this step we take by faith by clarifying the role of faith. The role of faith is the only way to know God and receive His righteousness through Jesus Christ; but also, faith is the only way to receive the natural promises God has offered us.

Stay encouraged today. Simple Bible Truth strengthens the soul.