
Wednesday, January 23, 2008


You may have wondered where I've been. Sorry for the delay in posting. It's extremely intentional right now. I've had to carve off specific time to implement new vision, evaluate 2007, study the Word for the Gallons Series, pray and fast.

My fast is now over and after seven days I was ready. My flesh was feeling pretty good, but I want to get on with some of my other goals this year, like working out! It's hard to do cardio and lift when your caloric intake consists of juice, water, almonds, juice, water, rice, almonds, well, you get the point.

I am just stoked beyond belief for this year. I am experiencing the Lord at whole new altitudes. In fact, yesterday I had a major break through. I'll summarize by saying one of the reasons I fasted was to be able to process the "opinions of men." It seems like more and more people have an opinion: of me, our church, and other things. In reality, opinions, good and bad, are a part of everything we do in this life, but the enemy was really using others' words to torment me.

During the 21 Days of fasting and prayer I focused on the hindrance being a "people-pleaser." I had this moment where I got on my knees and asked God, "Am I pleasing people or You?" Understand, I ONLY want to please the Lord. I got to this point a few days later where I thought, God has uniquely blessed my life through the values, gifts and experiences He's given me. I want to celebrate those things because of who God made me to be and what He's done in my life instead of apologizing because someone doesn't like me or what God's done with me. My prayers became focused on Him and pleasing only the Lord!

Yesterday, I had my first evidence of a major breakthrough. Someone said something pretty strong to my face in a public place. It was evident to me that I was changed by how I responded to the person's, but I hadn't thought about it until later. Later, while telling Melinda about the conversation, she said, "That's exactly what you were fasting for." I hadn't thought about it, in context, but I knew when Melinda said those words God had broke a yoke off my life. It was way cool.

These kinds of breakthroughs are very personal to me and maybe don't fit in the blogosphere, but I'm convinced if more of us would share our struggles and victories we could help many find LIFE CHANGE. That's my intent by sharing my breakthrough, may it only bring glory to Him who deserves it so much.

What did you fast for? What areas have you seen direct breakthrough in your life? I know I'm not the only one, so throw it out there, I'd like to know what happened to you?

I will finish the Romans Series over the next couple of weeks.