
Friday, June 8, 2007


Yesterday I did an interview with a sports writer with the Everett Herald. I have done tons of interviews about church, my parent's plane crash and etc, but an interview with a sports writer, I was thrilled.

He asked me, "Why do you race?" My flippant response was, "Because I want to win!" Now don't get me wrong, I want to win a race someday, but for me, just being at the track is winning. Let me explain:

As a pastor there are preconceived ideas already in place about who I am suppose to be, what I am suppose to wear, drive, live in and etc. I have lived with this most of my life--my parent's were pastors--and because it is a part of the territory it is expected, but when I chose to get involved with racing, I knew I was choosing something completely contrary to what people thought I should be. Most of my pastor friends just look at me like a calf staring at a new gate when I tell them what I do on Saturday nights.

For me, to choose racing meant to forfeit some other things people expect pastors to do, like play golf. I love golf, but I don't have the time to be good at golf--I don't like what I am not good at--which doesn't make me the best partner at the best-ball tournament. If you want me to drive the cart? Well, now we're talking.

I was called to be a pastor at a young age; it is who I am. Racing is something I do because as a kid I dreamt about it. For me, I can never change who I am, don't want to. I go to the track each week, as a pastor, to hopefully inspire, help and encourage someone to live their DREAM or connect them with Life! And if someone looks at this pastor and thinks, "Maybe I can do what I dream about, well, then I have won."

Certainly I have a blast racing, but more than all of that, I LOVE LIVING A DREAM! And I think, as a whole, the church and its people would be healthier if, in addition to pursuing Jesus and living His message, we would all pursue some bonafide DREAMS. In my opinion we can't live His message until we pursue His DREAM, but that is another message.

I will never be a "Racer" per-se, I am a Pastor. But if pursing dreams labels me one or the other, I am good either way! Because both are DREAMS!

So go ahead, you may be a corporate guy, a stay at home mom, a doctor, lawyer or clerk, no matter, find a DREAM and go for it! Do you really want your epitaph to read, "He was really good at spreadsheets." No way, You want it to read, "He was a follower of Jesus Christ who lived out Dreams." If your a mom who skydives, good for you. If your a graphic designer who mountaineers, awesome.

For me, my dreams are pretty simple first, my relationships with Christ; second, the fulfillment of my wife; third, the mission of my church; and fourth, the ability to set my hand to new DREAMS and succeed.

Yes, one day I will sail a boat in a tropical place, scuba dive with sharks, climb Mt. Rainier, golf at Pebble Beach, drive to Alaska, develop a young driver to the highest level in racing, run a marathon and that is only the beginning. I have a list that might scare some.

What's your DREAM? One of mine is to help you do yours.