
Monday, May 14, 2007


OK, it's not Sunday night any longer, but I am just finishing watching the Survivor finale, so before heading to catch some sleep I thought I would weigh in on the weekend!

* This was the most spectacular Mother's Day since the loss of my mom in January of 2000.
* WHY? Because our church gave away so many important Mother's Day Wishes. More to come on that this week with video and highlights.
* Saturday nights' race was a blast even though I got spun late in the race. I was 10Th at the spin and I think I ended up 13Th--I am learning. One of our young people who was at the race told me I deserved 1st place for "freestyle racing." I did spin again in the final lap and made a miraculous don't crash the car into the wall save. Maybe I should get into drifting.
* I am married to my perfect fit. Somehow God knew that Melinda would help me through those days when I miss my mom. Thank you Melinda for always having the words to say when there are no words...
* I reflected a lot this weekend on the Simulcast from Friday. It was a job well done by our Enterprise Ministry team.
* I am really feeling the importance of the upcoming series HOMESTRETCH starting next week. I will be dedicating some additional time to prayer and the Word this week.
* I am so grateful for the businesses and people who helped with A Mother's Wish. Thank you big time! There was a day when it was hard to get businesses to support anything the church attempted, but today with the support of so many TRC is able to do some very special things for people. I know it pleases GOD when the church treats people right.
* Today in 2ND service Melinda and I shared the pulpit and I had a blast with her. My wife is really funny. I think those who were there second service saw a side of Melinda many never do. I was cracking up...
* Finally, as a Survivor watcher (one-day I may apply) I was totally in orbit when DREAMZ went back on his word to Yau-MAN. What is up with that? There are times watching Survivor that I see microcosms of our community's in this nation and think, "MY OH MY, help us Lord." Tonight was one of those nights...

All in all I am so grateful for having had a great MOM raise me. She told me everyday before I left for school, "Son, everything you put your hand to today will prosper, and you will have favor with God and from all those who look upon you." Thank for those prophetic words mom.

I am also grateful for friends, family, our church and the amazing opportunity to live the childhood dream of driving a race car. Seriously, from the eldership of TRC, to the staff, volunteers, support team, and all the the race team who works so hard for Roger and the community who supports TRC and helps people's dreams come my sister, my wife and so many others, I will lay my head upon the pillow tonight so very thankful for who God has placed in my life...

Let's begin this week by taking what rightfully belongs to us! "On earth as it is in heaven!"