
Thursday, May 17, 2007


During my freshman year of college something profound happened to me. I had been living one way and God got a hold of me. I spun out! What consisted of stupid living turned upside down and I was ready to live wide open for Jesus Christ. I didn't know exactly what I should do, but I knew I had to tell people about what was happening to me, so I did. I told my room mate; he thought I was crazy and didn't talk with me for a week. I told my neighbor in the next room; he gave his life to Christ! I told a few other friends who I had been stupid with and they said, "I have been feeling the same way" and received Christ. One night I was told to make a call to a complete stranger who needed help. I ended up talking to some goof ball who thought life had gotten so bad that he was going to take his own. We prayed, we talked and 3 hours went by. I prayed with him to receive Christ that night and he went berserk for Jesus. At the end of the month, a few dozen of my friends received Jesus, and some thought I was wiggin' out.

Why do I tell this story? Because I am frustrated with a generation who has a great big God experience and keeps it to themselves as if what Jesus did for them is a great big secret.

Don't hide it, you love GOD! I know a lot of students search this blog and I am absolutely convinced that you need to take the risk and spread your influence to your friends and see them find their way to Jesus Christ. Invite then to Saturday's; in fact, get there yourself! Stop living undercover. Grab our youth pastor, Travis, by the hair and tell him, "I AM GOING TO REACH MY FRIENDS AND I NEED YOUR HELP!" OK, not by the hair, but let him know that you are absolutely crazy about Jesus.