
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tuesday Team Talk...

Today I had several conversations about life change! The first part of our weekly team meetings include telling stories about what is happening in people's lives. This week we had some great reports.

1) I had received an email from a man named Jeff. I wish I had kept it, but somehow it got deleted. Jeff said he came to Bibleman with his wife and kid. He didn't really want to come because it had been a long time since he had fellowship with the Lord. He told of how entering the building he felt dirty, but on his way out he felt totally clean and forgiven! He told me he got a few message Cd's and is totally stoked to be in church again. Way to go Jeff.

2) Travis reported that we've had 36 first time guest in youth this month! 7 of them were Jr. High students this Sunday. He also reported that his leaders did a great job on the Jr. High retreat at Mt. Baker.

3) Kathryn reported that 16 or so attended the Meet and Greet after service. Meet and Greets allow people to get to know each other after service over snacks and a brief time talking. I heard some great stories this weekend.

4) Right now we are having great balance between our 9am and 11am services. This week there were 268 adults in the 9am and 282 in the 11am.

5) Seven people took the Tithe Challenge. I can't wait to hear the stories.

These were just a few of the stories of life change for the final week of Feb 2007. Can you believe it is already the end of Feb?

If you have a story of life change post a comment!