A Normal Sunday!
Ever wondered what a Sunday looks like for Melinda and myself. Well here is my version...every week includes other elements, but this is the normal routine. Usually after two services, I am totally spent. I love our church and I am seriously addicted to what God is doing at TRC. Here is a Sunday:
- Wake in the early AM, never the same time two weeks in a row.
- Head for church at 7:45 am.
- Print out weekly preparation.
- Pre-service prayer at 8:30 am.
- Make-up (the lights are bright), at 8:45 am.
- Greet people before service.
- 9:00 am service begins.
- 10:15-10:30 service ends.
- Review delivery with team, make changes, cuts, and additions.
- 11:00am service 2 begins.
- 12:15-12:30 service ends.
- Greet as many people as I can.
- Eat some lunch at 1:00 ish.
- Drive home.
- Change into my lounging clothes.
- Perch myself on the couch.
- Turn on TIVO.
- Find the Nascar race or motocross racing.
- Pay attention as long as I can.
- Fall asleep.
- Wake up and rewind TIVO.
- Fall asleep again.
- Wake up and try to understand where the race is at.
- Fall asleep again.
- End up wide awake for the last few laps.
- Get up and look at my weekly schedule.
- Send some email.
- Check the blog for comments to moderate (new addition in 07).
- Post on the Blog (also new).
- Eat some more.
- Plan my Monday!