This weekend we are launching a series, At the Movies. A friend approached me and said, “I’d rather you preach Jeff, why do you do these movie messages.” My answer was simple, because they win people to Jesus and allow us to have a cultural conversation. In addition, they are easy to invite friends to!!! At the Movies is in the wheelhouse of what this church stands for, Connecting People to Life.
Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of Jesus impacting lives through your church. Don’t do it! Allow your summer schedule and plans to rearrange so you can be a part of reaching people of no/damaged faith each weekend. Your involvement saves lives!!!
Frankly, I really don’t think church culture understands the principle of First Fruits in times like these. God will blow your mind, but HE MUST BE FIRST. First in your life, first in your money, time and summer!
Out of 7 days, which one is the first I give God? It’s obviously, day one, the first day. This is why church is on Sunday! Some people think Monday is the first day of the week because to them work is number one, they have to make money. Others think Friday is the first day of the week because they believe having a good time on the weekend is priority number one.
If we want to have God blow our mind with outpouring, blessing, provision and answer what we earnestly pray for then we MUST PUT GOD FIRST!
1 Corinthians 16:2, "On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside…"
The above scripture is not a suggestion, it is a command. GOD MUST BE FIRST! He must be.
It begins this weekend, the 4th of July, a great day of celebrating our nation’s independence. How about celebrating our independence in Christ by being at service and worshiping God with everything? I think it will be one of the best days of the summer. After church you can head out to friends and family for the big party or your camping destination.
The movie will be Saving Private Ryan. Check out some of the pictures from the film shoot. It will be amazing. If you know a Veteran invite them to service. If you are Active Duty then come in your uniform and be a part of this amazing 4th of July at The Rock Church.
Pressing the Mark,
Pastor Jeff