
Friday, January 29, 2010



Day 20-A New Wineskin

Luke 5:37-38

Two things do not mix: new wine and old wineskins. The reason is simple: old wineskins cannot grow and stretch
to hold the new wine. The new wine God wants to fill you with is expansive; it is a picture of God’s Spirit. It always brings an enlargement. A container that is dead, dry, stiff and shrinking back cannot be entrusted as a storehouse for God’s valued treasure. Our vessels must be prepared for the fresh, dynamic, living presence of God –everything we do will flow from it. This preparation comes through prayer and fasting, producing a container that is ready for the new thing God wants to do. God’s new wine always changes us – it expands our faith, enlarges our
purpose, and brings renewed vision.

Everything God does is expansive, He is not into shrinking wineskins – it is up to us to shed them. As we seek Him
in this season, let’s shed the old wineskin and ask God to fully prepare our hearts for what’s to come.

What has caused you to shrink back in your expectation of what God wants to do in your life?
Are you ready to be expanded beyond recognition? That’s what God’s new wine will do in and through you. Pray the Lord will expand your life to glorify Him, giving you boldness to step out and be.