
Friday, September 11, 2009


People I talk with about faith often site a lack of understanding as one of the biggest reasons why they struggle. I know I have experienced confusion and defeat when I don't know God, His Character and great message to me.

If you attend church every Sunday for a year you'll only get 52 messages, only 52 opportunities to gain more understanding. But if we are being real, barely anyone attends church every weekend anymore, right? Ok, so a lot of people do attend church every weekend, but those who are struggling with things like "Studying the Bible, or "what does God say about ______" usually don't attend church every weekend. In fact, most people only attend church once or twice a month. No wonder we know more about what Miley Cyrus is releasing than what King Cyrus did for God's people.

My recommendation to every Christ follower is simple, attend some Bible classes. In just a few short weeks you can focus you efforts like a laser and gain huge understanding. In my personal experience I have read the Bible cover to cover many times, but when I took New and Old Testaments Survey I gained big time.

At The Rock Church that is what we want for you. We want you to gain understanding not only so you can be really smart, but so you can live an amazing life connected with God. That's why we offer Bible Classes at The Rock Church. The Rock Church School of the Bible is a legit extension campus of Portland Bible College and you can earn an Associates Degree if you desire or simply audit the classes to increase your understanding. It's all here, right in Monroe.

So check out this link and get plugged into something that just might give you the competitive edge on life.