
Thursday, May 14, 2009


Fasting is a spiritual discipline which yields extraordinary benefits. I can think of many key times where fasting played a monumental role in challenging my spiritual life to take another step. Like the time when I knew Melinda was going to be my wife, I fasted 7 days. It was winter quarter finals week my freshman year in College, and I drank only juice for 7 days. It was challenging and tough, but then it became empowering and overcoming. My goal was to purify my life, so I could be led by the Lord and not my "feel good" tendencies. It worked, and since that time I've used fasting to empower, overcome, reflect, focus and seek.

This weekend I am challenging everyone to the Seek First Fast. This fast is designed to break the back of recession off of individual lives, families, businesses and churches. Personally, I am fasting for my family, The Rock Church and many of my friends churches. In addition, I'm drafting up a list of churches, businesses, and names to fast for throughout this time. If you want your info on the list get me an email to

This fast will not be food related; instead, it's about making some financial sacrifices. Yet, I plan on making some of my sacrifices around food because fast food and eating out costs money. My goal is to cut $75/week off my food budget and Seek First with that money by giving it. I also plan on getting rid of premium television like the movie channels, and ordering movies directly.

With only a few more days left until I make the commitment on Sunday I am looking to get my Seek First Fast amount to $200/week. Melinda and I are talking about where we would shave the budget for 40 days. Perhaps there is an option to cutback on some fuel costs, not buy Starbucks, fast magazines, or whatever the sacrifice may be. I just know fasting yields huge benefits, and I expect this fast to break the back of recession off households, The Rock Church and the many businesses and business leaders I get the chance to lead.

There is still time for you to get on board with the Seek First Fast. For further details you can click here.