
Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Years ago I faced some challenges in the ministry with people and time. There was not enough time to be with all the people I wanted to be with. I went before the Lord praying for a strategy, system and solution for my lack of ability to meet requests.

This list came out of that season. Pastor Wendell and Gini shared this with me in 2000 and it has been really helpful in keeping my mission clear--Connecting People to Life.

Secrets for a Great Pastor and Saint Relationship…

1. Familiarize yourself with the entire Pastoral Team. They are here to serve you and help you in your journey.

2. Don’t expect your Pastors to be your best friends. They are here to minister the Word of the Lord to you first and foremost. Understand the best way to have a great relationship with the Pastoral Team is to get involved with the ministry. The Pastors at The Rock Church live, eat and breathe ministry.

3. Recognize you are a part of a growing church. Today is not the end of our growth. As the church grows the Pastoral Team will grow. Shore-up your relationships with all of the team and not only the heads.

4. Don’t read into things. Your Pastors are completely open and honest. As a team they may be dealing with situations you are completely unaware of. Recognize their responsibilities are huge. As the church increases it will be less likely you will be able to meet with a Pastor before or after church to receive personal ministry. Set up an appointment and don’t be angry when told, “I can’t do it right now.”

5. Be realistic about the amount of time you may have with your Pastors. In a family there are many challenges the head must take care of. Realize the Lord is your source and your Pastor is available to instruct and pray for you. The time you receive from your Pastor in the pulpit is quality time, if you approach it as such.

6. Grow and mature. As you grow in the Lord you will focus less on your own needs and more on others needs. Realize the Lord has called you and your maturity will lead to reward.

Here is the deal. The enemy would love to put a wedge between you and your leaders--pastor, staff, elders, reach team leaders--of your church. Don't let it happen!