
Thursday, September 4, 2008


There is this scene in the movie Gladiator, one of my favorites, where the prisoner/gladiator General Maximus' former armor-bearer makes contact with him about the soldiers who had previously served under Maximus' leadership. The conversation goes something like this. The General asks, "Where are the men? Who's in command?" The armor-bearer answers, "They are camped on the edge of town, they are fat, well fed, and so and so (I don't remember his name) is in command."

Every time I watch this movie it makes me think of Christians. Why? Because it reminds me that when soldiers are not fighting a battle they get over fed and under utilized. The results can be internal struggling and/or making up fights in order to fight something; after all, they are soldiers.

I may be making an assumption here, but I think this is exactly what happens to Christ followers without vision. Proverbs 29:18, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." I think when our personal (our purpose) and corporate (our church) vision is not white hot within we slip into being over fed (over churched) and under utilized (under involved).

I've experienced this personally, I'm a warrior. There are not too many things that have come easy for me, I've learned to fight, like a warrior, for what God's purpose is in my life. But a word of caution to the warriors who are reading this, in my own journey I've had seasons of peace that I turned into war for one simple reality, I didn't think I was accomplishing anything worthwhile during peacetime. Make sense? I'll say it this way. Sometimes I've caused my own battles. Sound familiar.

I share this because for the last while I've sought God about the vision of The Rock Church this coming year! I've been asking the Lord to clearly download the timing, direction and emphasis. In the wake of purchasing our facility I've discovered the unbelievable grace that is upon this house to accomplish that which God directs, and I want to inspire our soldiers to take on a vision that can change our region!

I share this to say, a) on September 21st we are celebrating the amazing volunteers who make TRC what it is, and at the same time I'm going to cast some vision for the next 12 months, and b) I want to inspire the troops!

Meet with me on September 21st? It is probably the most important time to be together this month. We are enlisted. Let's unite this month! Ephesians 4:3, "Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace."