
Tuesday, July 15, 2008


"All believers devoted themselves...they sold their property and possessions and gave to those in need." Acts 2:42, 45

There is no doubt, devotion to God leads people to become givers. The more devoted, the easier it is to give time, talent and treasure to those in need. Weekly I get to have a front row seat to people giving to others. Sometimes they give money to a person going through a hard time; sometimes I see people give of themselves.

When it comes to giving in my own life I live according to 3 simples words, all starting with the letter "p:" Passion, Principle and Power.

Passion: I am convinced passion unlocks the hidden ingredients in life. When someone throws themselves all the way into their purpose only good comes from it. Giving is similar. When a person decides to give above and beyond hidden ingredients come to the surface. They discover a bit about themselves that changes their life tune, and they discover a bit about God that impacts their devotion. I am convinced the easiest way for God to show himself real to us is through our giving. Be a passionate giver and throw yourself at generosity.

Principles: Principles work. There are principles in every facet of life, they work. Most often a person of principle is a person of success, a winner. Like in racing, there are principles like needing good people, having good equipment, being patient, letting the race unfold. These principles, if worked, will lead to success. In giving there are principles like sowing bountifully (giving generously), tithing (giving 10% to God), scattering (giving at random), giving to the poor, and others. When these principles are implemented, success is just around the next turn. Work the principles and they will work for you.

Power: Signs and wonders follow those that believe. I've decided to always expect God to do big things even when what I've done seems so small. It's like that in my giving. It is not the size of the gift matters, we give according to our purpose. What matters is that I expect God to do His part. My faith is such that I know the power of God will compliment my giving regardless of what the gift is. Who is more powerful, the gift or the giver? Exactly, the gift is merely in the power of the giver. When I realize God has the power to bestow great gifts, I put my life in line with Him by making sure I give to others according the power God has given me. Expect God to honor your giving, He will.