
Saturday, May 17, 2008


Its saturday, we have ministered in front of close to 3000 students, yesterday we were at a high with just shy of 1000 high schoolers. All of the young people I have talked to one on one pretty much say the same. "we are so grateful you are here. Your message gives us hope." I cannot go into complete details simply cause of time. We are all having an incredible experience. the moment we arrived at our final destination we were preparing to talk in front of people for that night. Anna and I shared at a small group with about 20 people about trials James and counting it joy when you fall into trials, i shared the word and Anna told of her healing from food allergies.
Yesterday I held a 6 year old orphan in my arms as I found out he only had about 1 month live because of HIV. My heart broke into a thousand pieces. He is extremely outgoing and mimics the american accent. haha.
This has been an amazing time and we still have a lot of time left to minister. Tomorrow we will speak and lead the local church service. Thats about all i have time for. Thank you to everyone who is praying for us and continue to pray as we lead thousands to christ and show them the love of Jesus

Reporting from South Africa, Justin
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