
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The FINAL C3 Sessions

We've been home a few days from Creative Church Conference, but so much is still rattling around in my head. Here are the final sessions notes from Tony Morgan's blog.

Session 1, Tommy Barnett, Phoenix First Assembly, Phoenix, AZ

Session 2, Final Session, Bishop TC Jakes, Potter's House, Fort Worth, TX

My Personal Thoughts on C3:

  • This was my fifth C3 experience! This by far was the best yet.
  • Much less information, much more impartation.
  • I'm convinced that Ed Young's embracing of the Pentecostal/Charismatic influences in our world has made for a much better balance. Like Tommy Barnett said, “We used to gather together according to denomination or grouping, but now we gather together because we are of the same spirit.”
  • The LED lighting was off the chain. That was the most impressive church stage design I’ve seen ever.
  • In our first C3 experience (2003) one of the leaders make a critical comment regarding Hillsong Church and the worship of United. I thought it very interesting that 85% of the songs we sang this year were United songs, not to mention Brian Houston, Pastor of Hillsong, was a keynote speaker. If I recall the worship for C3 that year was pretty mainstream.
  • Speaking of worship at C3, super authentic. There was a ton of energy on the stage, but it didn’t feel as rehearsed as previous years. The sound was phenomenal and I am always amazed at how good sound can change a worship set.
  • One thing I didn’t like was the temperature in the room. It was freezing cold.
  • The breakout session were great. Melinda and I went to the Senior Pastors lunch which is always hilarious. I also went to Worship Planning and Youth Ministry.
  • One of my lasting impressions from this year was the continued level of excellence. I saw things from a new perspective than other years. Instead of saying, “Wow, that’d be cool” I was saying, “We could do that.” The conference felt more empowering than other years.
  • Don’t get me wrong here, I think Fellowship is hyper-creative and leading the way in many areas, but I’d bet there are some other churches that have passed it up in the innovation category; nevertheless, what C3 offered this year was an impartation that made me believe all things are possible.
  • Amazing altar call for pastor’s wives on the final C3 Night meeting. I saw people praying over each other and speaking life to one another. The first year I attended C3 people most leaders weren’t lifting hands in worship let alone praying for each other. I thought those elements were cool. I bet it made others uncomfortable though. Can’t we all just get along?
  • We took 22 Trcer’s this year. What a great group of people. We’re going to try and schedule a time for sharing their experience soon. Hearing them react to the worship elements was fun.
  • I'll be there next year, can't wait. NO, yes I can, there is a lot to implement from this conference at TRC.
  • Finally, we have a running joke that Travis flies down to Texas each Monday (his day off) to give away our ideas to Fellowship...Funny thing was they had elements during the conference and on their 2007 highlight reel that were exact replicas of what we've done at The Rock. Oh well, no one knows how many elements we've used of theirs over the years, let's see, 2006 set design, In the Zone message series, a few other graphics and etc. It's fun to borrow in the name of Jesus.