
Thursday, January 31, 2008


At exactly this time 8 years ago I got into a car and drove to our church building to deliver the news that my mom and dad, our pastors, were listed on the manifesto for a plane that crashed off the coast of California. I can remember it like it was yesterday.

My wife captured some thoughts about today here.

Thank you to those who still remember. No matter what I do, or how I frame it this day is filled with reflections, tears and memories of great joy. I was really blessed with a great family for 29 years.

The people I am most proud of since that day are my wife, she's become all I need in a person; my sister, she's become a fantastic woman; and our church, we've never let the tragedy define us, simply let it propel us to our purpose. I couldn't be more grateful; and yet, I'd love one more conversation...