I'm going to be a dad
It's true, 10 years ago Melinda and I received a word from the Lord to start a family. After five unsuccessful years of trying we went to the doctor. The doctor basically said, "Jeff, it's not impossible, but it is improbable." Then and there Melinda and I determined the Lord would direct our steps and we would trust him instead of freaking out. I begin to hold onto the scripture and study out what it meant to be challenged with infertility and what it meant to our family. Then two years ago we nearly adopted a young little girl. At that moment we knew adoption was for us. We submitted ourselves to agencies all around the country, but God had different plans. More on that in the coming months. We will tell the whole story when the whole story is lived out. Right now we are living it out and I am so excited to be a dad!!!
Where are the TRC'ers
We were down in attendance last weekend. It was the first time in months. I think most people in the Northwest take a few weeks to navigate the weather and schedule changes of the fall. I always encourage people to tread lightly when stepping away from church. Church attendance is like food, we miss one meal, it is no big deal, then two, three and four meals and there is a hunger. After two or three days without food the hunger pains subside. I think we can step out of church for a short time and not affect our life and countenance, but stepping away for a month or so can create a void that eventually gets filled with other things. If we're not careful we end up losing the margin required to honor God in His house. God called us to relate, not isolate.
The TRC'ers are in the HOUSE!
Many times we can get caught up in what is NOT. Sometimes we look at our jobs and question there worth. We focus on all they are not providing instead of what they do provide. Instead of questioning our faith; we should question our doubts. Instead of focusing on who is not at church; we should recognize who is. I am so excited for this school year. The emphasis on IFIT and people fitting within the vision is contagious.
WOW! Right around the corner. Today we planned further for our Christmas Series and Eve services. We will be having three Christmas Eve services. There are a bunch of creative elements in process and I am excited for this season. 75 shopping days left! As an aside, make sure to adjust your family traditions to include Christmas Eve services. Christmas is about Christ first; then family. I know that may step on some traditional toes, but our families are starving for Christ and many of them do not even know it. Mark it in advance, Christmas Eve will be the largest number of total salvation's in one evening in the history of The Rock Church!
Last year was a huge hit. This year is going is expanding and will be huge. Mark your calendars now for Feb. This year will be phenom!
Fantasy Football
I am the only undefeated team left in our league. Five wins and no losses. I don't think it can last forever, but it is nice to be a winner!