I am really concerned about our student's. Stats indicate that 1 in 10 graduating Seniors will serve the Lord after High School. Stats from the internship summit at Portland Bible College stated that if a student completes a 1st year intern program through a church or para church ministry there is a 5 in 10 chance they will serve the Lord, but if they complete a 2nd year internship there is a 9 in 10 chance they will serve the Lord.
Does any parent care about these kinds of statistics? I am serious.
Your student needs to be imparted to by his or her youth pastor weekly! Yes, weekly, not when it is convenient, not when you're in town, not when the schedule permits, but WEEKLY!
Your senior needs to do an internship at their church. If your church has no internship, then send them away to another and if they successfully navigate first year, then send them for year 2.
Does any parent care that a generation of students prioritizes their walk with Christ at nearly the bottom of the list?
I'm sorry, I'm fired up about this one. I'm tired of seeing students live for God through Junior High and High School and then falling flat on their faces as soon as they graduate! Come on Christian, help our kids get to where we already are. I've heard more parent's say, "I wish I had known Christ like I know Him today." Wake up, your kids have that opportunity, but you need to get in the fight and start prioritizing some serious connection!!!
Sorry, in my passion I inadvertantly hit the wrong key posting this before spell check...