
Thursday, June 21, 2007


I miss our interns!

I've overheard church members look at a big mess and say, "Thank God we have interns for that." Frankly our interns are not here so that our staff and volunteers can keep their hands clean, but they are here so that the wisdom of God can be poured into their life. It makes me mad when people speak of or treat our interns like hotel maids. Our interns are here to be an asset to every ministry in our church; consequently, they end up doing a lot of messy projects, but they are amazing servants. Our interns have done as much to facilitate ministry in our church as any other leader, staffer or ministry head. Without interns TRC would not be as effective as it is in accomplishing our mission: Connecting People to Life.

I miss our interns, not because of what they do, but because of who they are. Last Friday they graduated. This picture is them with Melinda and I after the ceremony. It was a five-star occasion--I even wore a tie. I am so proud of them.

And when Quarry alumni read this, go ahead, tell a story about your class in the comments and give a holler to some of your friends.