
Thursday, June 28, 2007


No that is not a cuss word; instead, it is a restaurant or better, a red light green light game for the hungry.

Rory and I go in and sit down. Next to us is a little round coaster; one side is green and says, "yes please" the other side red and says, "no thanks.".

We order a beverage and are told to go to the salad bar. Arriving there I am confused because I don't want to eat salad for dinner. The waiter see me and says, "don't worry get what you want." A pound of broccli, aspargus, lettuce, peppers and some italian dressing later I sit down, but now the fun begins.

I flip the card to green and whamo, 15 different people appear with 15 different kinds of meat. I say yes to some and no to others and they carve off what I want and I get started. I'm eating and I mean fast. Suddenly they are back and carving off more. I'm getting stuffed quickly.

What I fail to realize is that my coaster is green side up so the food keeps comming and I keep eating. I'm getting stuffed and turn the card to red; meaning, stop before the tall guys legs fall off.

What a great experience! We need one of these in Seattle. It is an italian style buffet with more food than I have ever seen.

Oh my, the guy next to me just fell from his chair from being stuffed. "Rory, I told you to turn the card to red."
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