One of my top goals for 2007 was to start a book and get it to the publisher for printing; in fact, this blog was to practice my writing in order to get in the discipline of writing regularly and making a habit. After 200 posts since January 1, it is a habit! In my research I have asked every author I know how they write books in the midst of speaking continuously, leading people, family life, busy schedules and so on and the answer I have received from all of them is, "There is never enough time, you have to make the time." So, I have been breaking off small size chunks of time to write this book and starting next week it will be a six day a week venture through August!
What will the book be called? Sometimes I title my blog posts before I write them and other times after. The book will be titled after I write it, but here is the 20,000 foot level of what I have been working on.
I have been working with the acronym DREAM.
D: Defined Determination
R: Remember Relationships
E: Embrace Enthusiasm
A: Adjust Attitude
M: Measure Moments
Each of these elements has been the critical component of attaining my dreams, from answering the call of God, leading The Rock Church, being a son, husband and father, to racing a car, I've relied on my DREAM to get me there.
What's your DREAM?