
Friday, January 26, 2007

A FIRE Alarm at TRC!!!

Today some of our faithful volunteers were working on a project in the Berry Buses children's room; when, they mistakenly hit a sprinkler head breaking off the end. Now for everyone that ever wanted to know about what happens when a sprinkler head is broken I will tell you.

Upon the removal of the nozzle the water flows at approximately infinity gallons per minute!!! Naturally, fire safety is of the utmost importance so they don't put a shut off valve that mere mortals, like you and I, can access, so turning off the water main does nothing!!! The Fire Department arrives on scene with lights blazing because the flow of water evacuates the building due to the 120 decibel alarm and flashing lights!!! Has the the water stopped flowing yet? Of course flows for nearly 25 minutes, right into the Berry Buses classroom. Meanwhile we are sweeping the water to the back was a mess, but all is well! Right now, there are de-humidifiers doing their job, fans and our faithful volunteers and interns...Should be ship shape by Sunday!

We have amazing people in the church. The women's prayer meeting returned from lunch together and was sweeping water...I loved it!!! The construction volunteers were ready to tackle the next project which they did without hesitation.

Here is the bright side: there was some tape on the carpet we couldn't get up because it was sticky. Guess what? It's gone! Yep, it drowned. And the carpet needed cleaning anyhow. Guess what? It's clean. And in the end we all needed some new quips. Here they are...

  • "It's been a great week, just one fire alarm after the other."
  • "It's all water under the bridge now, or out the back doors."
  • "Pastor I tried to get my report to ya, but my schedule had a leak in it."
  • "You preached, it was going to be a messy year."
  • "WOW, they are really flowing in children's ministry."
  • "Sometimes the Lord wants us to soak."
  • "Pastor, I like preaching, but construction projects are a real drip."

Ok, I'll stop. It was a great day to say the least and a story we will all laugh about from this moment forward. What is a little ceiling tiles, sheetrock and wet carpet when you can have an experience like that!!!

There is never a dull moment at The Rock!!! Be here this Sunday, there is no telling how the river will move! Last one, I promise.